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import {
	const VERSION: string

The current version, as set in package.json.

function compile(source: string, options: CompileOptions): CompileResult

compile converts your .svelte source code into a JavaScript module that exports a component

@paramsource The component source code
@paramoptions The compiler options
function compileModule(source: string, options: ModuleCompileOptions): CompileResult

compileModule takes your JavaScript source code containing runes, and turns it into a JavaScript module.

@paramsource The component source code
function migrate(source: string, { filename }?: {
    filename?: string;
} | undefined): {
    code: string;

Does a best-effort migration of Svelte code towards using runes, event attributes and render tags. May throw an error if the code is too complex to migrate automatically.

function parse(source: string, options: {
    filename?: string;
    modern: true;
}): AST.Root (+1 overload)

The parse function parses a component, returning only its abstract syntax tree.

The modern option (false by default in Svelte 5) makes the parser return a modern AST instead of the legacy AST. modern will become true by default in Svelte 6, and the option will be removed in Svelte 7.

function preprocess(source: string, preprocessor: PreprocessorGroup | PreprocessorGroup[], options?: {
    filename?: string;
} | undefined): Promise<Processed>

The preprocess function provides convenient hooks for arbitrarily transforming component source code. For example, it can be used to convert a &#x3C;style lang="sass"> block into vanilla CSS.

function walk(): never
@deprecatedReplace this with import { walk } from 'estree-walker'
} from 'svelte/compiler';


The current version, as set in package.json.

const VERSION: string;


compile converts your .svelte source code into a JavaScript module that exports a component

function compile(
	source: string,
	options: CompileOptions
): CompileResult;


compileModule takes your JavaScript source code containing runes, and turns it into a JavaScript module.

function compileModule(
	source: string,
	options: ModuleCompileOptions
): CompileResult;


Does a best-effort migration of Svelte code towards using runes, event attributes and render tags. May throw an error if the code is too complex to migrate automatically.

function migrate(
	source: string,
		| {
				filename?: string;
		| undefined
): {
	code: string;


The parse function parses a component, returning only its abstract syntax tree.

The modern option (false by default in Svelte 5) makes the parser return a modern AST instead of the legacy AST. modern will become true by default in Svelte 6, and the option will be removed in Svelte 7.

function parse(
	source: string,
	options: {
		filename?: string;
		modern: true;
): AST.Root;
function parse(
	source: string,
		| {
				filename?: string;
				modern?: false;
		| undefined
): Record<string, any>;


The preprocess function provides convenient hooks for arbitrarily transforming component source code. For example, it can be used to convert a <style lang="sass"> block into vanilla CSS.

function preprocess(
	source: string,
	preprocessor: PreprocessorGroup | PreprocessorGroup[],
		| {
				filename?: string;
		| undefined
): Promise<Processed>;


Replace this with import { walk } from 'estree-walker'

function walk(): never;


namespace AST {
	export interface BaseNode {
		type: string;
		start: number;
		end: number;

	export interface Fragment {
		type: 'Fragment';
		nodes: Array<
			Text | Tag | ElementLike | Block | Comment

	export interface Root extends BaseNode {
		type: 'Root';
		 * Inline options provided by `<svelte:options>` — these override options passed to `compile(...)`
		options: SvelteOptions | null;
		fragment: Fragment;
		/** The parsed `<style>` element, if exists */
		css: Css.StyleSheet | null;
		/** The parsed `<script>` element, if exists */
		instance: Script | null;
		/** The parsed `<script module>` element, if exists */
		module: Script | null;

	export interface SvelteOptions {
		// start/end info (needed for warnings and for our Prettier plugin)
		start: number;
		end: number;
		// options
		runes?: boolean;
		immutable?: boolean;
		accessors?: boolean;
		preserveWhitespace?: boolean;
		namespace?: Namespace;
		css?: 'injected';
		customElement?: {
			tag?: string;
			shadow?: 'open' | 'none';
			props?: Record<
					attribute?: string;
					reflect?: boolean;
						| 'Array'
						| 'Boolean'
						| 'Number'
						| 'Object'
						| 'String';
			 * Is of type
			 * ```ts
			 * (ceClass: new () => HTMLElement) => new () => HTMLElement
			 * ```
			extend?: ArrowFunctionExpression | Identifier;
		attributes: Attribute[];

	/** Static text */
	export interface Text extends BaseNode {
		type: 'Text';
		/** Text with decoded HTML entities */
		data: string;
		/** The original text, with undecoded HTML entities */
		raw: string;

	/** A (possibly reactive) template expression — `{...}` */
	export interface ExpressionTag extends BaseNode {
		type: 'ExpressionTag';
		expression: Expression;

	/** A (possibly reactive) HTML template expression — `{@html ...}` */
	export interface HtmlTag extends BaseNode {
		type: 'HtmlTag';
		expression: Expression;

	/** An HTML comment */
	// TODO rename to disambiguate
	export interface Comment extends BaseNode {
		type: 'Comment';
		/** the contents of the comment */
		data: string;

	/** A `{@const ...}` tag */
	export interface ConstTag extends BaseNode {
		type: 'ConstTag';
		declaration: VariableDeclaration & {
			declarations: [
				VariableDeclarator & {
					id: Pattern;
					init: Expression;

	/** A `{@debug ...}` tag */
	export interface DebugTag extends BaseNode {
		type: 'DebugTag';
		identifiers: Identifier[];

	/** A `{@render foo(...)} tag */
	export interface RenderTag extends BaseNode {
		type: 'RenderTag';
			| SimpleCallExpression
			| (ChainExpression & {
					expression: SimpleCallExpression;

	/** An `animate:` directive */
	export interface AnimateDirective extends BaseNode {
		type: 'AnimateDirective';
		/** The 'x' in `animate:x` */
		name: string;
		/** The y in `animate:x={y}` */
		expression: null | Expression;

	/** A `bind:` directive */
	export interface BindDirective extends BaseNode {
		type: 'BindDirective';
		/** The 'x' in `bind:x` */
		name: string;
		/** The y in `bind:x={y}` */
		expression: Identifier | MemberExpression;

	/** A `class:` directive */
	export interface ClassDirective extends BaseNode {
		type: 'ClassDirective';
		/** The 'x' in `class:x` */
		name: 'class';
		/** The 'y' in `class:x={y}`, or the `x` in `class:x` */
		expression: Expression;

	/** A `let:` directive */
	export interface LetDirective extends BaseNode {
		type: 'LetDirective';
		/** The 'x' in `let:x` */
		name: string;
		/** The 'y' in `let:x={y}` */
			| null
			| Identifier
			| ArrayExpression
			| ObjectExpression;

	/** An `on:` directive */
	export interface OnDirective extends BaseNode {
		type: 'OnDirective';
		/** The 'x' in `on:x` */
		name: string;
		/** The 'y' in `on:x={y}` */
		expression: null | Expression;
		modifiers: string[];

	/** A `style:` directive */
	export interface StyleDirective extends BaseNode {
		type: 'StyleDirective';
		/** The 'x' in `style:x` */
		name: string;
		/** The 'y' in `style:x={y}` */
			| true
			| ExpressionTag
			| Array<ExpressionTag | Text>;
		modifiers: Array<'important'>;

	// TODO have separate in/out/transition directives
	/** A `transition:`, `in:` or `out:` directive */
	export interface TransitionDirective extends BaseNode {
		type: 'TransitionDirective';
		/** The 'x' in `transition:x` */
		name: string;
		/** The 'y' in `transition:x={y}` */
		expression: null | Expression;
		modifiers: Array<'local' | 'global'>;
		/** True if this is a `transition:` or `in:` directive */
		intro: boolean;
		/** True if this is a `transition:` or `out:` directive */
		outro: boolean;

	/** A `use:` directive */
	export interface UseDirective extends BaseNode {
		type: 'UseDirective';
		/** The 'x' in `use:x` */
		name: string;
		/** The 'y' in `use:x={y}` */
		expression: null | Expression;

	interface BaseElement extends BaseNode {
		name: string;
		attributes: Array<
			Attribute | SpreadAttribute | Directive
		fragment: Fragment;

	export interface Component extends BaseElement {
		type: 'Component';

	export interface TitleElement extends BaseElement {
		type: 'TitleElement';
		name: 'title';

	export interface SlotElement extends BaseElement {
		type: 'SlotElement';
		name: 'slot';

	export interface RegularElement extends BaseElement {
		type: 'RegularElement';

	export interface SvelteBody extends BaseElement {
		type: 'SvelteBody';
		name: 'svelte:body';

	export interface SvelteComponent extends BaseElement {
		type: 'SvelteComponent';
		name: 'svelte:component';
		expression: Expression;

	export interface SvelteDocument extends BaseElement {
		type: 'SvelteDocument';
		name: 'svelte:document';

	export interface SvelteElement extends BaseElement {
		type: 'SvelteElement';
		name: 'svelte:element';
		tag: Expression;

	export interface SvelteFragment extends BaseElement {
		type: 'SvelteFragment';
		name: 'svelte:fragment';

	export interface SvelteHead extends BaseElement {
		type: 'SvelteHead';
		name: 'svelte:head';

	/** This is only an intermediate representation while parsing, it doesn't exist in the final AST */
	export interface SvelteOptionsRaw extends BaseElement {
		type: 'SvelteOptions';
		name: 'svelte:options';

	export interface SvelteSelf extends BaseElement {
		type: 'SvelteSelf';
		name: 'svelte:self';

	export interface SvelteWindow extends BaseElement {
		type: 'SvelteWindow';
		name: 'svelte:window';

	/** An `{#each ...}` block */
	export interface EachBlock extends BaseNode {
		type: 'EachBlock';
		expression: Expression;
		context: Pattern;
		body: Fragment;
		fallback?: Fragment;
		index?: string;
		key?: Expression;

	/** An `{#if ...}` block */
	export interface IfBlock extends BaseNode {
		type: 'IfBlock';
		elseif: boolean;
		test: Expression;
		consequent: Fragment;
		alternate: Fragment | null;

	/** An `{#await ...}` block */
	export interface AwaitBlock extends BaseNode {
		type: 'AwaitBlock';
		expression: Expression;
		// TODO can/should we move these inside the ThenBlock and CatchBlock?
		/** The resolved value inside the `then` block */
		value: Pattern | null;
		/** The rejection reason inside the `catch` block */
		error: Pattern | null;
		pending: Fragment | null;
		then: Fragment | null;
		catch: Fragment | null;

	export interface KeyBlock extends BaseNode {
		type: 'KeyBlock';
		expression: Expression;
		fragment: Fragment;

	export interface SnippetBlock extends BaseNode {
		type: 'SnippetBlock';
		expression: Identifier;
		parameters: Pattern[];
		body: Fragment;

	export interface Attribute extends BaseNode {
		type: 'Attribute';
		name: string;
		 * Quoted/string values are represented by an array, even if they contain a single expression like `"{x}"`
			| true
			| ExpressionTag
			| Array<Text | ExpressionTag>;

	export interface SpreadAttribute extends BaseNode {
		type: 'SpreadAttribute';
		expression: Expression;

	export interface Script extends BaseNode {
		type: 'Script';
		context: 'default' | 'module';
		content: Program;
		attributes: Attribute[];


interface CompileError extends ICompileDiagnostic {}


interface CompileOptions extends ModuleCompileOptions {}
name?: string;

Sets the name of the resulting JavaScript class (though the compiler will rename it if it would otherwise conflict with other variables in scope). If unspecified, will be inferred from filename

customElement?: boolean;
  • default false

If true, tells the compiler to generate a custom element constructor instead of a regular Svelte component.

accessors?: boolean;
  • default false
  • deprecated This will have no effect in runes mode

If true, getters and setters will be created for the component’s props. If false, they will only be created for readonly exported values (i.e. those declared with const, class and function). If compiling with customElement: true this option defaults to true.

namespace?: Namespace;
  • default 'html'

The namespace of the element; e.g., "html", "svg", "mathml".

immutable?: boolean;
  • default false
  • deprecated This will have no effect in runes mode

If true, tells the compiler that you promise not to mutate any objects. This allows it to be less conservative about checking whether values have changed.

css?: 'injected' | 'external';
  • 'injected': styles will be included in the head when using render(...), and injected into the document (if not already present) when the component mounts. For components compiled as custom elements, styles are injected to the shadow root.
  • 'external': the CSS will only be returned in the css field of the compilation result. Most Svelte bundler plugins will set this to 'external' and use the CSS that is statically generated for better performance, as it will result in smaller JavaScript bundles and the output can be served as cacheable .css files. This is always 'injected' when compiling with customElement mode.
cssHash?: CssHashGetter;
  • default undefined

A function that takes a { hash, css, name, filename } argument and returns the string that is used as a classname for scoped CSS. It defaults to returning svelte-${hash(css)}.

preserveComments?: boolean;
  • default false

If true, your HTML comments will be preserved during server-side rendering. By default, they are stripped out.

preserveWhitespace?: boolean;
  • default false

If true, whitespace inside and between elements is kept as you typed it, rather than removed or collapsed to a single space where possible.

runes?: boolean | undefined;
  • default undefined

Set to true to force the compiler into runes mode, even if there are no indications of runes usage. Set to false to force the compiler into ignoring runes, even if there are indications of runes usage. Set to undefined (the default) to infer runes mode from the component code. Is always true for JS/TS modules compiled with Svelte. Will be true by default in Svelte 6. Note that setting this to true in your svelte.config.js will force runes mode for your entire project, including components in node_modules, which is likely not what you want. If you’re using Vite, consider using dynamicCompileOptions instead.

discloseVersion?: boolean;
  • default true

If true, exposes the Svelte major version in the browser by adding it to a Set stored in the global window.__svelte.v.

compatibility?: {}
  • deprecated Use these only as a temporary solution before migrating your code
componentApi?: 4 | 5;
  • default 5

Applies a transformation so that the default export of Svelte files can still be instantiated the same way as in Svelte 4 — as a class when compiling for the browser (as though using createClassComponent(MyComponent, {...}) from svelte/legacy) or as an object with a .render(...) method when compiling for the server

sourcemap?: object | string;
  • default null

An initial sourcemap that will be merged into the final output sourcemap. This is usually the preprocessor sourcemap.

outputFilename?: string;
  • default null

Used for your JavaScript sourcemap.

cssOutputFilename?: string;
  • default null

Used for your CSS sourcemap.

hmr?: boolean;
  • default false

If true, compiles components with hot reloading support.

modernAst?: boolean;
  • default false

If true, returns the modern version of the AST. Will become true by default in Svelte 6, and the option will be removed in Svelte 7.


The return value of compile from svelte/compiler

interface CompileResult {}
js: {}

The compiled JavaScript

code: string;

The generated code

map: SourceMap;

A source map

css: null | {
	/** The generated code */
	code: string;
	/** A source map */
	map: SourceMap;

The compiled CSS

warnings: Warning[];

An array of warning objects that were generated during compilation. Each warning has several properties:

  • code is a string identifying the category of warning
  • message describes the issue in human-readable terms
  • start and end, if the warning relates to a specific location, are objects with line, column and character properties
metadata: {}

Metadata about the compiled component

runes: boolean;

Whether the file was compiled in runes mode, either because of an explicit option or inferred from usage. For compileModule, this is always true

ast: any;



A markup preprocessor that takes a string of code and returns a processed version.

type MarkupPreprocessor = (options: {
	 * The whole Svelte file content
	content: string;
	 * The filename of the Svelte file
	filename?: string;
}) => Processed | void | Promise<Processed | void>;


interface ModuleCompileOptions {}
dev?: boolean;
  • default false

If true, causes extra code to be added that will perform runtime checks and provide debugging information during development.

generate?: 'client' | 'server' | false;
  • default 'client'

If "client", Svelte emits code designed to run in the browser. If "server", Svelte emits code suitable for server-side rendering. If false, nothing is generated. Useful for tooling that is only interested in warnings.

filename?: string;

Used for debugging hints and sourcemaps. Your bundler plugin will set it automatically.

rootDir?: string;
  • default process.cwd() on node-like environments, undefined elsewhere

Used for ensuring filenames don’t leak filesystem information. Your bundler plugin will set it automatically.

warningFilter?: (warning: Warning) => boolean;

A function that gets a Warning as an argument and returns a boolean. Use this to filter out warnings. Return true to keep the warning, false to discard it.


A script/style preprocessor that takes a string of code and returns a processed version.

type Preprocessor = (options: {
	 * The script/style tag content
	content: string;
	 * The attributes on the script/style tag
	attributes: Record<string, string | boolean>;
	 * The whole Svelte file content
	markup: string;
	 * The filename of the Svelte file
	filename?: string;
}) => Processed | void | Promise<Processed | void>;


A preprocessor group is a set of preprocessors that are applied to a Svelte file.

interface PreprocessorGroup {}
name?: string;

Name of the preprocessor. Will be a required option in the next major version

markup?: MarkupPreprocessor;
style?: Preprocessor;
script?: Preprocessor;


The result of a preprocessor run. If the preprocessor does not return a result, it is assumed that the code is unchanged.

interface Processed {}
code: string;

The new code

map?: string | object;

A source map mapping back to the original code

dependencies?: string[];

A list of additional files to watch for changes

attributes?: Record<string, string | boolean>;

Only for script/style preprocessors: The updated attributes to set on the tag. If undefined, attributes stay unchanged.

toString?: () => string;


interface Warning extends ICompileDiagnostic {}

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