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What’s new in Svelte: October 2023

Reactions to Runes and SvelteKit +server fallbacks

Svelte 5 isn’t out yet (you can, however, preview it now), but that doesn’t mean we don’t get a sneak peek! Most notably are Runes - a simpler way to manage reactive variables in Svelte code. There’s lots of links the showcase section for deeper dives on all things Runes, but let’s talk about what else been released this month...

What’s new in Svelte & Language Tools

What’s new in SvelteKit

  • +server.js now has a catch-all handler that handles all unimplemented valid server requests. Just export a fallback function! (1.25.0, Docs, #9755)

That’s all for the new features! If you’re looking for other patches and performance updates, check out the SvelteKit CHANGELOG. You can also find adapter-specific CHANGELOGs in each of the adapter directories.

Community Showcase

Svelte Summit Fall is happening on Nov 11, 2023. The 7th Virtual Svelte Conference is open for proposals until October 15 - anyone can submit!

Threlte is throwing a hackathon (motion warning for the landing page - it will respect Reduce Motion settings). The kickoff event is on Sunday, 15 October 2023 16:00 UTC.

Apps & Sites built with Svelte

  • game-of-life-svelte is a Conway’s Game of Life implementation using SvelteKit tech
  • Limey is an easy-to-use website builder for simple sites and landing pages
  • Appwrite’s new landing page is now written with SvelteKit (previously covered was their console UI in Svelte)
  • PlaceIt is a game about numbers and places
  • Sveltroid is a fan-made recreation of Metroid Prime: Remastered (code)
  • Bolighub is a Denmark housing search portal
  • Dithering is a tool to dither photos with plenty of options
  • Rocky Mountain Slam is an interactive map to follow Jason Heyn as he attempts to complete the first ever Rocky Mountain Slam (code)

Learning Resources

Featuring Svelte Contributors and Ambassadors

To Watch

To Read

Libraries, Tools & Components

That’s it for this month! Feel free to let us know if we missed anything on Reddit or Discord.

Until next time 👋